viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Review Unit 4

In unit 4 we studied the different ways of expressing the future in English. I know some of you still have some problems with it. I'd would like you to do some online exercises to practise these tenses:

3.  Mixed tenses

We also learnt some collocations with the verbs do, make and take. Please, check the next links to review these expressions:

 4. Do and make

5 Collocations with have and take ( explanation )

6. More exercises on do and make

I hope you found them useful and enjoyed doing them!


jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Notting Hill Carnival

People celebrate Carnival all over the world. It's a good opportunity to relax, have fun and disguise yourself if you're brave enough!!

Do you enjoy Carnival? Have you ever worn a weird costume?

Have a look at this photo:

Work in pairs and describe it:

- When and where is it taking place?

- How are the people feeling?

- Would you like to go to Notting Hill Carnival?

Next you're going to do a webquest to find out about this popular event in London. Please, click here.

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

Mardi Gras

How do people celebrate Carnival around the world?

Have you ever heard of Mardi Gras? It's a very popular carnival celebration taking place in New Orleans, USA.

You're going to watch a very interesting video talking about this lively celebration. Please, listen to it carefully and answer the questions below.

1. When is Mardi Gras celebrated?

2. What is a king cake?

3. How many king cakes a day do bakers make in New Orleans Cake Café and Bakery?

4. What can you see in the Louisiana State Museum?

5. When was the Knights of Sparta Krewe founded?

6. Why is music so important in Mardi Gras?

Did you find the video interesting? If you want to find out more information about Mardi Gras just click.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Welcome to English everywhere

 Hi everyone!

This blog is aimed at my students of Bachillerato, who ask me to go to the computer room every week and are keen on doing these type of activites.
The main goals of this blog are to improve their English skills trying this fun method and change their attitude towards the subject. Some students find it really boring to sit down in front of a book and learn grammar rules and endless lists of vocabulary. I think it will foster their autonomy and it will also be a positive and motivating experience for all of us.
I'll try to provide links to useful material such as web pages, videos, podcasts... so that you can access authentic material and realize that English is everywhere!

Just enjoy yourselves and have fun!!